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Dr Gerardo Conesa Bertrán

Chief of Neurosurgery
Dr. Gerardo Conesa Bertan holds the position of Chief of Neurosurgery at Teknon Hospital. Dr Conesa got his MD in 1982 and then his PHD in 1994, both from The University of Barcelona. He specialised in Neurosurgery in 1990 and went on to get the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies certificate. His 25 years of experience includes being Associated professor of neurosurgery at the University of Barcelona, 8 years in the Neurology Department at Hospital de Bellvitge, 12 years as Chief of Neurosurgery at Hospital de La Mer. He has published more tan 50 Medical Articles and studies and is considered done of the best Neuro-súrgenos in Europe
Area of Expertise
Neurology diseases
Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM

Saturday: 9 AM – 4 PM

Sunday: Closed


Barcelona Health CityC / Bonaplata 12 Bajos, Local 2, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

+34 93 205 301

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