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Dr. Albert Borau Duran

Urology Specialist & Surgeon
Dr Albert Borau Duran has a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona – UAB. He specialised in Urology in the same university. Dr. Duran has a degree of Medicine and Surgery, European doctorate from Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. He has won the Ponce de León Award – second prize for the best doctoral thesis on Urodynamics. He is a member of Asociación Española de Urología (Spanish Association of Urology), and an Honorary member of the Sociedad de Medicina de Rehabilitación del Perú (Society of Rehabilitation Medicine of Peru) since 2002
Area of Expertise
Study, diagnosis and treatment of urinary dysfunction in neurological patients.
Electrostimulation / Neuromodulation of sacral anterior roots
Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM

Saturday: 9 AM – 4 PM

Sunday: Closed


Barcelona Health CityC / Bonaplata 12 Bajos, Local 2, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

+34 93 205 301

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